Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Outlook, Fun.

While it may not be the smartest decision to stay in this city one year past graduation, while deferring graduate school- that's exactly what I am doing!
Mainly, I am not ready to move back home and to give up the life I have made for myself here over the past four years.
While I should be living at home and working to save for expensive-ass grad school...I just can't bring myself to do that.
Its also not like I expect to be in debt from graduate school long term. I have potential seething under the surface, and once I figure out my outlet- I have no doubt that I will be successful.

It's interesting the idea of success, and what to do after graduating college. I am sure anyone in this position feels the same way, like the world is upon you and there is this right and wrong way to do things---and its asking you which you will choose.
The best part about being a social science major and psychology in particular, is having studied people and why they feel compelled to make the choices they do.
deep, I know...but relevant to those of us in that stage of life

I think the best thing I can think of, or tell any of my friends is that life is never going to be what you plan it. So have fun, do what you love, and whatever will be will be.
I just have to look at my dad, and all the "lives" he's had- and its proof enough. :)

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